New Year, New Beginnings

2016 seems to have been a glitch year for many. Whether or not it was actually as bad as Twitter would have us believe is probably up to you. Around here, things seemed to go pretty well. In fact, it was so busy, I seem to have neglected to post a single, solitary blog. Heh heh. Heh. Hmmm.

Well, the past is the past, and hey!  It’s New Year’s!  Time to turn our collective backs on 2016 and look forward to what 2017 might have to offer.

If we consider this Week 1 – our big news is the completion of the Calgary Stampede Promotion Committee’s Batter Boys Wagon Cover. This is a pretty cool rig that they’ve got. Essentially, they’ve converted a trailer into a mobile pancake-making machine.

Now, if you haven’t been to Calgary, you might not know that for 10 days each year, people line up in droves to eat pancakes. It’s kind of our thing (a thing related to other things – you’ll have to show up to really get it). It’s what makes this wagon so cool!  They hook it up to a truck, haul it to the Breakfast location, and BOOM – pancakes!

I’ll do the big reveal on the next post so stay tuned to see what it looks like under the shiny red cover!


Today’s Subject, Class, Is Eradication.

This isn’t a pest control post; we’re of the live and let live mentality here at Western Tent.  No, this is about the method used to create great looking, ultra bright, backlit graphics on your canopy.

Here’s how it works.  We cover a canopy frame in your favourite colour of vinyl material, apply a stencil of your logo over top, and within those specific boundaries, chemically wash away the vinyl’s colour to white allowing the background light to flood through.

Are you still with me?

I’ll show you an example.

Let’s say you’ve got a canopy that looks like this.  Maybe your graphics are painted, maybe they’re vinyl decal.  Either way, they look great in the daytime.  However, when night comes, they’re really tough to see.vinyl_decal_graphics

Now take a look at the eradicated graphics.  I know, right?  Amazing!  You might be able to see those graphics from the ISS (that’s the International Space Station for those who don’t have their geek on).eradicated_graphicsEradi-Lite and Cooley are two of the more common brand names in eradicable vinyl available in the industry, though there are others, and there are a variety of colours to choose from.  We can also spice things up further by adding translucent vinyl decal to the eradicated space, giving you a highly visible spectrum of colour which will tie in your branding.

Eradication.  It’s a good thing!