Pop Up Tent Tuesday – The Blooper Reel

Over the last few months I’ve been striving to get our digital marketing up to speed.  This means that we’re updating our website, revamping our social media pages, blogging here and there (shout out to all you readers – woot woot!) and getting our photo galleries in tip top shape.  Of course, things don’t always go as planned.  Sometimes we operate with style and grace.  Sometimes we don’t.

Yesterday, our summer student and highly talented admin, Beth, and I decided that we needed some great new photographs & video of our pop up tents for the website.  Since the set up and take down of these tents is something she and I don’t often do, we thought we’d take a practice crack at it – just so we looked smooth in the video.

It was a beautiful, hot day Monday so we put on our shades, grabbed our water bottles, and strolled that tent out onto the lawn.  It wasn’t long before we had the tent set up and had outlined a plan for the photo shoot.  Just a couple of highly efficient gals soaking up the sun while doing business.  Nice.

And then the sprinklers came on.

The sprinkling menace.

The sprinkling menace.

Now we’re not talking about gentle residential lawn sprinklers.  No, we’re talking about pistol-strength weapons of watering destruction.  And fast?!?  Those little guys finish a circle in a matter of 2-3 seconds.

Think wet.  Really wet.

Think wet. Really wet.

It took us much longer to get the tent off the lawn than we would have liked.  There may have been some squealing, and there certainly was a lot of laughter.  But don’t kids spend their summer holidays doing this very thing?  Sure, they’re not wearing business casual but we can’t get stuck in the details.

If there’s a moral to this story then it’s probably that we need to enjoy the ride – take it as it comes – live a little – any or all of those things.

So if you can’t find me at 3:00, look outside.  I’ll be the one running amok on the lawn, jumping over sprinklers, getting my therapy and having fun in the sun.

This just in – Gold is back!

I’ll be the first to admit that fashion trends don’t often catch my attention.  Like many of you, my job, family, friends, and household take up much of my time.  But little-by-little I’ve been noticing something in my periphery.  I think it started gradually.  Now it seems like it’s everywhere.  What is it?  Gold.

When did gold fabrics come back into style?

I’m a child of the 70’s so I’ve seen gold work its magic before.  Glittery lamé and faux gold finishes shone through the disco era, and eventually faded away, until now.

Sunbrella, one of our most popular outdoor woven fabrics, has brought in some really incredible golds.  In fact, if you ask for the Gold Colour Family on their shade site, there are at least 20 different colours that come up, more if you add in upholstery fabrics.  Here are some samples:


Sunbrella Granville Toinsel 4826


Sunbrella Era Cornsilk 4762


Sunbrella Alloy Bronze 4401


Sunbrella Granville Mahogany 4828

Amazing, right?  But it’s not just the woven fabrics that are in on it.  The vinyls and shade screens are joining the glossy parade with some golds of their own.  Take a peek at the images below and I think you’ll agree, gold is back, and it’s lookin’ good!

Soltis 86 Champagne

Soltis 86 Champagne

Soltis 86 Pepper

Soltis 86 Pepper

Ferrari Precontraint Gold

Ferrari Precontraint Gold

Here's the Ferrari Gold in action!

Here’s the Ferrari Gold in action!